Front Description
This pin is from a 11 pin set of luggage tags from Hong Kong. This pin features Nala. The pin itself is shaped like a luggage tag. The pin is outline in white stitches all around it. The top of the pin is a beautiful mint color with a brown button. The tag itself is a light brown color. In the middle of the pin, Nala is written out in a light brown color. The background is a dark brown color. Nala is below her name. She is sitting down while smiling. Her head is tilted to the right a bit. She is looking down to the right at something. Her eyes are a green color and she has a cute pink nose. Her fur is two different shades of light brown.
Set #149036, Stitch #149051, Marie #149039, Bambi #149040, Pascal #149044, Miguel #149042, 101 Dalmatian #149043, Mike #149050, Pooh #149041, Sadness #149048, Nala #149049, Simba #149047
Back Description
On the back of the silver pin: Lasered mickey heads all over, two stubs, pin trading logo, HONG KONG DISNEYLAND, PIN TRADING CARNIVAL, 6 of 11, ©DISNEY