Front Description
Inspired by artwork created by the Disney Design Group, this jumbo pin is from a collection of 20 jumbo pins. Each jumbo pin celebrates 50 Years of Disney Theme Parks and is packaged in a box. An Artist Bio is also included with the pin. Disney Design Group Thomas Scott has titled this pin "Monorail Hat." The pin has the overall Mickey Mouse Ear Hat shape with the Monorail weaving it's way around the ear hat. The yellow monorail is pin-on-pin and is traveling on pewter color tracks. The tracks continue in the right ear. Each ear has white clouds against a blue sky background.
Pin measures 3-1/2 x 2 inches.
Back Description
Pewter sandblast pebble finish. 3 posts (right, left and bottom center). No barbs. No nubs. Thomas Scott signature. MICKEY EAR HAT COLLECTION. LIMITED EDITION OF 750. The Happiest Celebration on Earth. Walt Disney World castle logo. Pin trading logo 2006. Walt Disney World CELEBRATING 50 YEARS OF DISNEY THESE PARKS. ©DISNEY. MADE IN CHINA.