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PP149203    Star Wars - Galaxy’s Edge – Droid Depot – 2-1B

Front Description

This pentagon shaped pin is approx. 1 7/8” tall and 1 ½” wide. There is a double silver metallic border around the pin which has a white background. The droid is black silhouette and appears to be wearing a breathing mask. There is a silver metallic oval emblem on his left shoulder and horizontal silver metallic lines on his chest and abdomen. His arms which are at his side appear to have some sort of hydraulic tubing. At the left most side of the pin is a small box with a silver metallic number 2 and on the right most side is a box with a silver metallic1B.




Back Description

The back of the pin has the silver waffle mickey design. The Pin Trading Logo center left, below the pin post, with the year 2019. Star Wars TM Galaxy’s Edge is to the right of the pin trading logo. Just below those is ©&TM Lucasfilm LTD. © Disney Made in China, is very bottom center. No FAC #. It has 2 nubs one on either side of the pin post.

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