Front Description
Part of a five-pin DROID DEPOT BOOSTER set featuring droids that are seen throughout Galaxy's Edge.
This pin shows droid R1-J1. This pin is approx. ½” wide and 1 ¾” tall. It is primarily black with several silver metallic dials, knobs, tubes ad lines. It has a domed top with a silver metallic and blue antenna extending up from the top dome. There are two light blue boxes on the right side and one on the left under the dome, and a red dot in the middle to the right side. There is a silver rounded bottom to the pin.
Droids in the set are R1-J1, B-R72, L4-R6, C2-B9, and EG-01.
Back Description
The back of the pin has the silver waffle mickey design. © Disney Made in China, is center just below the pin post. Star Wars TM Galaxy’s Edge is vertical in the center of the pin. Just under that box is a box which reads © LFL. No Pin Trading Logo. The FAC # 073364 - 20892 and is printed at the very bottom of the pin. It has 2 nubs one on either side of the pin post.