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PP149582    DL – R2D2 - Star Wars Droids – Hidden Mickey Star Wars Droids - Star Wars

Front Description

This octagon shaped pin has a black border around a gray background. It shows R2D2 in his typical blue white design with a red dot on his dome. A silver Rebel Alliance starbird, also known as the Alliance crest, or as the Resistance crest, which was a symbol of the Alliance to Restore the Republic, is on the top right. Pin measures 1 x 1 inches. The Starbird on this pin is the 'Star Wars' version of a 'Hidden Mickey'. A total of 6 pins were released in this mystery series (5 regual pins & 1 chaser). This is pin 1 of 5.


R2-D2, sometimes spelled Artoo-Detoo and often referred to as Artoo, was an R2-series astromech droid manufactured by Industrial Automaton prior to 32 BBY, who would participate in major galactic events for nearly two centuries alongside the Skywalker family. Resourceful and spunky, the droid developed an adventurous personality during his over a century of operation. Inside his cylindrical frame were many arms, sensors, and other tools that could be extended to fulfill various needs, such as slicing computers, extinguishing fires, projecting holograms, repairing starships, and flying. Along with his counterpart, the protocol droid C-3PO, R2-D2 constantly found himself directly involved in pivotal moments of galactic history. His bravery, coupled with his many gadgets, played large roles in saving the galaxy time and time again for more than a century. Like other astromech droids, R2-D2 could walk on two legs or use a third leg to roll across the ground.


Series Characters: D-O, GNK, R2KT, R2D2, IG-11, Chopper Chaser.


Set: #149933, #149909, #149932, #149582, #162006, #149931.

Back Description

Silver Mickey head waffle pattern. 1 post (center top). 2 nubs. No barbs. 3 boxes: Authentic Pin Trading Logo 2020. Hidden Disney Pin 1 of 5. © Disney, ©&TM Lucasfilm Ltd. MADE IN CHINA.

Linked Pins

  1. DLR – GNK Power Droid - Star Wars Droids – Hidden Disney
  2. DLR – Chopper - Star Wars Droids – Hidden Disney - Completer
  3. DLR – R2KT - Star Wars Droids – Hidden Disney
  4. DLR – D-O - Star Wars Droids – Hidden Disney
  5. DLR - IG 11 - Star Wars Droids - Hidden Disney
  6. DL - Star Wars Droids Set - Hidden Disney 2020
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