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One of four CHIP & DALE: RESCUE RANGERS rack pins released on 16 Jul 2022 at Disneyland Paris.
This pin features the logo (in French) of the Rescue Rangers show. It consists of a gold circle on a golden name plate, with black lettering "Les Rangers du Risque" (French title of Chip n Dale Rescue Rangers). On top are red block letters, TIC (Chip) ET TAC (Dale). Inside the circle are the busts of the two chipmunks poking out of the frame. Dale, on the right, is wearing his red shirt with yellow flowers. At the left, Chip is wearing his leather jacket with white fur and ranger hat.
Pin dimensions: W 4.5cm x H 5cm.
#149824, #150535, #150536, #150537, #149825
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Gold. OPTS 2022, ©Disney, Made in China, Disneyland Paris logo. Single post with nub.