Front Description
This pin is from Hong Kong. This pin is shaped like a cat paw print. On the paw print, I heart MY Disney CAT. The paw print is a sparkly light pink color. Below the paw print is a cat tail dangling. The tail moves side to side. It is dark and light pink. When you open the pin, it shows PIN GO 2022 on the left side in different colors. On the right side, there is Cheshire. Cheshire cat is written in white. Behind him is a different pink color with sparkles in it. There is a fish bone print above Cheshire. Cheshire is laying down with his big fluffy tail curled above him. His fur is three different shades of pink. Both of his ears are standing up and he has a big smile on his face.
Figaro #149877, Lucifer #149878, Mochi #149879, Cheshire #149880
Back Description
The back of this gold pin: lasered mickey heads, pin trading logo, PIN GO 2022, HONG KONG DISNEYLAND logo, LIMITED EDITION 500, ©DISNEY