Front Description
Front Description
This pin is approx. 1 ½” tall and 1 ¾” wide. It has a dark blue background with white flat bottomed clouds at the very top around Joy’s head. Joy is seated on the word JOY with her legs crossed, she had blue hair and wearing a yellow dress with a faint blue starburst design. Behind Joy is the word CHOOSE in white letters, the word JOY that she is sitting on is in lighter blue sparkle letters. The middle part of the pin has multicolored starbursts as well as the bottom of the pin with two larger starbursts, the one on the left is yellow and the right one is blue. Inside the letter O in JOY is a flower design with a yellow center and blue petals.
Back Description
Back Description
The back of the pin has the silver waffle mickey design. The Pin Trading Logo center left below the pin post with the year 2020. © Disney, © Disney/Pixar, Made in China, Fabrique En Chine is center right. The FAC # 000122 - 120300 and is stamped at the very bottom right of the pin. It has 2 nubs one on either side of the pin post.