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PP15177    Euro Disney Space Mountain Grand Opening Pin

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Big brass tone metal pin featuring the ED Space Mountain attraction in relief.


A disc representing the moon is on top, and on its edge one can read "De la Terre à la Lune" (From the Earth to the Moon), according to Jules Verne who inspired the attraction and Discoveryland's (Tomorrowland) whole design.


Partially hiding the moon, SM stands below, the Columbiad firing a space ship.


A banner says "*Space*" "Mountain".

The date of the event "31 mai 1995" is engraved below on a flat square space where the name of its owner , the so-called "astronaute" was manually written.


This pin was given to winners of contests organized throughout Europe, who formed "national space travellers teams" who could experience the ride this day along with stars and tell their impressions in front of cameras so as to promote the brand new attraction.




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