Front Description
This pin is part of an 8-pin mystery box set released for the 2022 Holiday season, with two pins per box. This pin features Lilo and Stitch building a pearlescent snowman. Lilo is seen wearing a red jacket with yellow accents, black buttons and dark red pants. She also has on red gloves, shoes and hat. Stitch is seen wearing a dark red jacket with a yellow scarf, red gloves and white earmuffs. The snowman has on a matching red and white stripped hat and scarf, complete with black buttons and a carrot nose.
Set #, Lilo/Stitch #152077, Pinocchio #152074, Yeti #152075, Goofy #152079, Joy #152076, Hunchback #152078, Joe/Jenny #152096, Chip/Dale #152095
Back Description
The back of the pin is silver metal, double post, with the Mickey waffling pattern, pin trading logo 2022, ©DISNEY, MADE IN CHINA, FABRIQUE EN CHINE, DIBUAT DI TIONGKOK, ©DISNEY/PIXAR, stamped FAC#.