Front Description
This pin features 101 Dalmatian film. All four puppies have beautiful white fur and black spots all over. All of them have a red collar on. Three of the puppies are pilled on one another. The puppy on the bottom is laying on the ground head to the left. You can see on of the ears and it is black. On top of that puppy, there is one with two white ears. Two of its legs are hanging down. This puppy is facing the other way than the one on the bottom. This is the only puppy you can see its face. On top of that one, there is one laying down. You can see three of the puppies paws. The puppies head is raised and you can see two black ears. Behind this puppy pile, there is a wooden stool. The last puppy is on top of the stool sitting with one of its paws lifted up a bit. This puppy has its head raised.
Back Description
On the black back of the pin covered with sorcerer hats: script 'Walt Disney', IMAGINEERING, EXCLUSIVE, Limited Edition 250, ©Disney, China, 2-posts