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PP15408    DLR - One Hundred Mickeys Pin Series (MM 099) - Copper

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This is one of series of 100 pins that were made from the artwork that Disney commissioned Eric Robison to create. A complete framed pin set #10102 was released in February. Each set 5 pins from the series will be released each week until the entire set of 100 have been released.


This pin is a color painting of Mickey's head in browns that appear to be copper (MM 099).


"This was the last one that I painted of the 100. I was very happy that day! I loved this copper paper...I tried to paint an Egyptian style wall painting of Mickey...I didn't like it so I simply did a face. I smeared raw powdered pigment over the relief of the paper."


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2 Linked Pins

  1. DLR - One Hundred Mickeys Framed Pin Set
  2. DLR - One Hundred Mickeys Pin Series (MM 100) - Prince
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