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This is one of series of 100 pins that were made from the artwork that Disney commissioned Eric Robison to create. A complete framed pin set #10102 was released in February. Each set 5 pins from the series will be released each week until the entire set of 100 have been released.
This pin is a colorful painting of Mickey smiling (MM 100) and last of the series.
"The only digital piece in the collection [that was chosen]...there are two other digital paintings that are bonus cards can you find them?"
This pin is a milestone. This pin had a c.o.a. personally signed by Eric Robison, not a photo copy signature. These c.o.a. cards were while supplies lasted. After that they gave out unsigned cards.
This pin is almost twice the size of most of the other One Hundred Mickey pins. It measures 2 1/8" wide by 2 1/2" high. The 100 One Hundred Mickeys/signature are raised quite a bit and it looks like a miniature framed painting with little mickey head icons lining the frame.
Apparently not all the pins were delivered to the Parks, DelivEARS will be taking orders.
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