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PP154659    WDI - Gonzo - Muppets Haunted Mansion - Door

Front Description

Front is a stylized Muppets Haunted Mansion door which opens to show Gonzo and the floating candelabra with purple background as depicted on the ride and Muppets Haunted Mansion on Disney+. Door handle also moves.


Pins in Series - Sweetums/Gonzo/Pepe, Gonzo, Dr. Deadly and the Grooms and Kermit with the Ballroom Dancers.


#155124, #154659, #168551, #168552

Back Description

Back shows the Muppets Haunted Manson, Walt Disney Imagineering, Exclusive Limited Edition 250, ©Disney, China, FAC# Instead of Mickey pattern on the back, it has Sorcerer Mickey hats.

3 Linked Pins

  1. WDI - Sweetums, Gonzo and Pepe - Muppets Haunted Mansion - Door
  2. WDI - Uncle Deadly and Grooms - Muppets Haunted Mansion - Door
  3. WDI - Kermit and Ballroom Dancers - Muppets Haunted Mansion - Door
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