Front Description
A 3D gold mask with painted maroon ribbons. One is facing up and one facing down. There is a point in the top center of the mask. It has a sort of waffling pattern. This pin is part of a 9 pin set that includes 3 pins from Sleeping Beauty, 3 pins from Princess and the frog and 3 pins from Enchanted.
Series: Tiana #155173, Naveen #155168, Princess & Frog #155171, Aurora #155172, Phillip #155167, Sleeping Beauty #155170, Giselle #155174, Edward #155169, Enchanted Poster#.
Back Description
It says Disney designer collection and has the pin trading logo also has a Disney logo with the castle and the FAC etching on the ribbon. It says Midnight Masquerade. It says limited edition 1000.