Front Description
A 3D rose gold mask with a handle. On the side with the handle, there are light, medium and dark pink flowers that go all the way down. On the same side there are unpainted feathers coming out the top. In the center there are more Pink flowers. On the other side without the handle there is a pink jewel and 5 painted on jewels that are smaller. This pin is part of a 9 pin set that includes 3 pins from Sleeping Beauty, 3 pins from Princess and the frog and 3 pins from Enchanted.
Series: Tiana #155173, Naveen #155168, Princess & Frog #155171, Aurora #155172, Phillip #155167, Sleeping Beauty #155170, Giselle #155174, Edward #155169, Enchanted Poster#.
Back Description
It is rose gold and says Disney designer collection and below it says Midnight Masquerade series. Limited edition 1000. It has the FAC etching above where the handle starts. The disney logo with the castle is in the center and the pin trading logo with the year 2019 is off to the side.