Front Description
This HKDL pin features a white four fingered glove outlined in silver with a red ribbon with white polka dots attached at the wrist. The thumb and forefinger are touching to form an "O" and make the universal sign for "OK". This Minnie glove has a small Mickey head icon on the left side of the ribbon.
Set: OK hand #155175 , Pointing Hand #135088, Thumbs Up #135089, Holding Pencil #158695, Two Palms Up, Halt Palm Out, Y Thumb and Little Finger out, Minnie Hands Heart
Back Description
The back of the pin is silver and has the classic Mickey head waffle pattern with 2 posts, no nubs, and stamped:
Authentic Official 2019 Disney Parks Pin Trading Logo
Hong Kong Disneyland Logo
Hidden Mickey Pin 2 of 9
FAC - 059586-19060