Front Description
This pin measures apx. 2" across. At the top is part of the American Flag, The World Trade Center towers(as they were)are shown in the center and to the right of them is Mickey dressed as a construction worker carrying a ladder. The bottom in gold lettering it reads "I love New York" The I represented by a red heart. Mickey is dressed in blue overalls with a "M" on the front that suspiciously looks like the McDonalds's arches (as was pointed out in a notation of a similar pin on Pinpics). This is a quality clossine pin. It does not have the typical Disney "waffle" back but it does have the disney trademark. It and was purchased (9/02) from a web site who has a pretty good reputation. This was not designated as one of their "Fantasy" pins.
series: green, purple, blue
#15464, #15465, #15538
Back Description
Gold sandblasted pebble finish. Two pin posts. ©DISNEY.