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PP156059    DSSH - Guardians of the Galaxy 3 - Comic Book 1 - Marvel

Front Description

This limited edition pin was one of five surprise release pins for the movie Guardians of the Galaxy: Volume 3. This pin features a retro-style comic book with Drax, Cosmo, Star-Lord, Kraglin, Mantis, Rocket, Groot, and Nebula on the cover engaged in battle. The title, is in 3D. This pin was part of a California only online release from Disney Studio Store Hollywood. LE 300


Set: GotG3 Character Profile #156067, Cosmo #156068, Comic Book 1 #156059, Comic Book 2 #157171, Marquee #157168

Back Description

The back of the pin is gold with ice cream cone imprints. There are two posts: one at the top and one at the bottom. Between the posts is a large box with the following printed inside it: Disney Studio Store Hollywood (logo), (c) Disney, Marvel (logo), marvel.com, (c) MARVEL, Limited Edition 300, China. Below that large box is a smaller box with the FAC number.

4 Linked Pins

  1. DSSH - Nebula, Mantis, Drax, Star Lord, Groot and Rocket Racoon - Character Profile - Guardians of the Galaxy 3
  2. DSSH - Cosmo the Space Dog - Guardians of the Galaxy 3 - Marvel
  3. DSSH - Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 3 - Marquee - Marvel
  4. DSSH - Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 3 - Comic Cover 2 - Marvel
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