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PP156361    DSSH - Ember - Elemental - Angry

Front Description

This is part of a 4 pin set and features Ember from the Pixar movie, Elemental. She's red, orange and yellow with shimmering yellow. She's angry.


Set #156358, Flirty #156359, Content #156360, Angry #156361, Laughing #156362

Back Description

The back is bright gold with ice cream cone pattern, flat metal box, text reads "Disney Studio Store Hollywood Limited Edition 400 ©Disney/Pixar China" and FAC #

4 Linked Pins

  1. DSSH - Ember - Elemental - Set
  2. DSSH - Ember - Elemental - Flirty
  3. DSSH - Ember - Elemental - Content
  4. DSSH - Ember - Elemental - Laughing
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