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PP156706    Video Tape - 101 Dalmatians - VHS Tape Collection Series 1

Front Description

From the 2-pin set in the VHS Collection Series 1. This pin is hinged and looks like the classic VHS tape case for 101 Dalmatians. The picture shows the Dalmatian family standing behind a red car. Parents Pongo and Perdita are surrounded by their puppies and Pongo has a puppy on his head. Cruella is leaning into the car and looking over towards the dogs. Two silver hinges are seen on the left side. When you open the flap, the inside of the flap is silver with the dalmatian collar logo and the dog tag says "Patch". The right side shows a VHS tape in shiny black enamel and the label says "A Walt Disney Classic - 101 Dalmatians". There are magnets in each of the four corners. Pin is approx. 1 1/2'' H x 7/8'' W.


Set: Patch #156705, VHS Tape #156706

Back Description

Silver back with Mickey waffle pattern. Single pin post at top center. Six boxes - 1. Official Disney Pin Trading Logo 2021 2. ©Disney 3. Limited Release Edition Limitee 4. Disney Castle logo 5. MADE IN CHINA, FABRIQUÉ EN CHINE, HECHO EN CHINA, DIBUAT DI TIONGKOK 6. FAC

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  1. Patch - 101 Dalmatians - VHS Tape Collection Series 1
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