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PP157042    Mickey Mouse - Surprised and Confused - Expessions Starter

Front Description

This pin is Mickey “Surprised” from the Mickey Mouse Expressions 2022 Pin Trading Starter Set. This is a full length Mickey with a yellow background. Mickey is facing forward, his eyes are wide open, and he is scratching the left side on his forehead, His right arm is extended outward. There is a white thinking cloud over the right of his with two !! in it.


Set: Thinking #157039, Laughing #157040, Scared #157041, Surprised #157042

Back Description

The back is silver with mickey head imprints, pin trading logo. Official Pin Trading 2022 Logo, © DISNEY, Made in China, Fabrique En Chine, Dibuat Di Tiongkok and the FAC,

3 Linked Pins

  1. Mickey Mouse - Thinking - Expressions Starter
  2. Mickey Mouse - Laughing - Expressions Starter
  3. Mickey Mouse - Frightened - Expressions Starter
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