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PP157168    DSSH - Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 3 - Marquee - Marvel

Front Description

Released 23 May 2023, this pin features the El Capitan Theater marquee for the Marvel movie, Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 3. The top is red, dark yellow, black and blue and says "El Capitan" in dark yellow text. The background is black with the red and white "Marvel Studios" logo and the gold GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY VOLUME # logo. In the right corner is Cosmo, the telepathic space dog.


Set: GotG3 Character Profile #156067, Cosmo #156068, Comic Book 1 #156059, Comic Book 2 #157171, Marquee #157168

Back Description

The back is gold with ice cream cone pattern with two flat metal boxes, text "Disney Studio Store Hollywood ©Disney MARVEL logo marvel.com Limited Edition 400 China" and second box has FAC #. Two pin posts - one at the top center and one at the bottom center. Two rivets are visible at the far left.

4 Linked Pins

  1. DSSH - Guardians of the Galaxy 3 - Comic Book 1 - Marvel
  2. DSSH - Nebula, Mantis, Drax, Star Lord, Groot and Rocket Racoon - Character Profile - Guardians of the Galaxy 3
  3. DSSH - Cosmo the Space Dog - Guardians of the Galaxy 3 - Marvel
  4. DSSH - Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 3 - Comic Cover 2 - Marvel
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