Front Description
May 2023 Hot Topic released a 2 pin set Double Trouble with Chip and Dale. On this pin, Dale is leaning from the inside with his arms over the rim of a mug. His head is turned to the left, his ears are straight up, his fur is mocha brown. He smiles with his mouth open, showing his two splayed teeth, his red nose gleams. The mug is redish pink with its ear at the left, showing the wording DOUBLE. The sister pin with Chip shows Trouble, together they form the 2 pin set Double Trouble, exactly what they are! Pin dimensions: W 2.5cm x H 3.8cm.
Set #157577, Dale #157578, Chip #157579.
Back Description
The back is bronze sand blasted metal. Upper part with crown icons containing a single post with double nubs. Bottom half: Disney signature, ©Disney, Made in China and lasered FAC#. Bronze metal pin back.