Front Description
Fourth release in the 2023 WDW POTM series Disney Darlings, in reality a set of 2 pins, featuring Belle from the movie The Beauty and the Beast. She is turned to the left, with wide brown eyes staring at the enchanted rose in the vase she is holding in her two hands. Her brown hair is partly pinned up and she wears her yellow ball gown. Qua artwork the pin is identical to #157404, but half as large. The base layer shows Belle's bedroom, its walls look like lilac frames around a pink rectangle with a golden curled inner frame design, on the yellow floor lies a light green carpet. The bed is in the opposite corner, it is white with green oval decoration. Cushions are lilac and green, the bedspread is darker green. The 4 corner pillars each have a red rose on top and support a dark lilac sky, the curtains of which are tied to the pillars. Pin dimensions approximately: W 4cm x H 3.5cm.
Series: Ariel, #157601, Cinderella #157604, Jasmine #157607, Belle #157610, Mulan #157613, Aurora #157616, Rapunzel #159344, Snow White #159505, Tiana #159508, Vanellope #160594, Lilo #161319, Alice #161316
Belle Set #157610, Bedroom #157611, Belle #157612
Back Description
The back is gold with mickey head imprints and 4 boxes: Authentic PTS2023, ©Disney, Made In China Fabrique En Chine, Limited Edition 2500 Edition Limitée de 2500. Fac# is lasered.