Front Description
The pin is the base layer of the 2-pins Beauty and the Beast set from the POTM Disney Darling series, featuring Belle's bedroom. Its walls look like lilac frames around a pink rectangle with a golden curled inner frame design, on the yellow floor lies a light green carpet. The bed is in the opposite corner, it is white with green oval decoration. Cushions are lilac and green, the bedspread is darker green. The 4 corner pillars each have a red rose on top and support a dark lilac sky, the curtains of which are tied to the pillars. Pin dimensions approximately: W 4cm x H 3.5cm.
Set #157610, Bedroom #157611, Belle #157612
Back Description
The back is gold with mickey head imprints and 4 boxes, Authentic PTS2023, ©Disney, Made In China Fabrique En Chine, Limited Edition 2500 Edition Limitée de 2500. Fac# is lasered. Single post with double nubs.