Front Description
This pin is part of a 4 pin set. It shows Miles Morales swinging on a web, with his logo in the background. The logo is a slightly dull cyan, with a deep blue filling the gaps.
Set #157673, Miles Morales/Spiderman #157674, Logo #157675, Gwen Stacy/Ghost Spider #157676, Miguel O Hara/Spiderman 2099 #157677
Back Description
The back is a silver Mickey head waffle pattern, and has “Disneypins2023”, the Marvel logo, and four boxes on it. One box has the copyrights of Disney, Marvel, and 2023CPII. The next box say “Made in Vietnam” in four different languages, and the one after that has the FAC#. The final box has a Mickey head made of clear gems, to prove authenticity.