Front Description
This pin features a trash can from around the ride, It's a Small World. It's cream color, pink, bright blue and light purple.
Set: Train Station #, Where Dreams Come True #, Liberty Square #146519, Fantasyland #158071, I Did It Run Medal #158038, Pandora #158042, Polynesian Maui #158052, Star Tours ATAT #158040, Train #, Main Street USA #158039, Typhoon Lagoon #, Small World Dolls #, Ferry #, Contemporary Resort #145786, Small World Trash Can #158049, Miss Adventure Falls #155619, Italian Pavilion Tower #145592, Vacation #, Spanish Stay Clear #158050, Soarin #, Flik #, Canada Pavilion #157990, Soccer Ball #145964, Indiana Jones #156140
Back Description
The back is silver with mickey head imprints and says "Limited Release"