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PP158197    Han Solo - I've Got A Good Feeling About This - Star Wars - SOLO Booster

Front Description

From the 4-pin booster set from Star Wars: SOLO. Features a orange silhouette of Han Solo holding a blaster against a yellow rectangle background. In black, over top of him, are the words "I'VE GOT A GOOD FEELING ABOUT THIS".


Set: Booster Pack #127755, Millennium Falcon #141895, Chewie #141896, Han Solo #158197, Kessel Run #158196

Back Description

Silver back with Mickey head waffle pattern. Single pin post with two nubs. Four boxes - 1. Official Pin Trading Logo 2018 2. Star Wars™ 3. ©Disney, ©&™Lucasfilm Ltd., Made In China 4. FAC number

4 Linked Pins

  1. Star Wars - SOLO Booster Set - Han, Chewie, Millennium Falcon, Kessel Run
  2. Millennium Falcon - Best in the Galaxy - Star Wars - SOLO Booster
  3. Chewbacca - Chewie Is My Copilot - Star Wars - SOLO Booster
  4. Millennium Falcon - Just Made the Kessel Run In 12 Parsecs - Star Wars - SOLO Booster
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