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PP158245    DIS - Captain Marvel - Pin of the Month

Front Description

This is a limited edition pin released as part of the Marvel Pin of the month. It features pewter colored Captain Marvel as a 3-D element attached to a yellow parallelogram shaped back. Capatin Marvel’s hands show circular force shields and a ribbon encircles her waist and legs.

Back Description

The backing is in a black Mickey waffle-pattern with two pin posts. On the left of the pin is a box with MARVEL. Below this is a box with Disney Pins 2023. To the right, is an outlined box with ©Marvel and ©Disney. Below that is a box with Made in China, Fabrique en Chine, Hecho en China, Dibuat Di Tiongkok. In a box on the bottom of the pin is printed: Limited Edition 2000, Edition Limitee De 2000. In the upper right corner running vertically on the pin is a box with FAC-000122-22000

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