Front Description
This pin features Rey and was released in Walt Disney World and Disneyland in November 2021. Rey is dressed in brown and grey and is holding a lightsaber in her right hand. The pin is 1 3/4" tall x 1" wide. There are 8 pins in this Rebel Alliance mystery box set and when all 8 pins are lined up next to each other, they complete a puzzle with the Millennium Falcon outlined behind them.
Set: Vi Moradi #145794, R2D2 #158927, Poe #, Finn #146946, Rey #158926, Chewbacca #158925, BB8 #, C3PO #
Back Description
The back of the pin has a dull gray metallic finish Mickey waffle pattern. There is 1 pin post with a nub on each side in the top 1/3 of the pin. Below the pin post are 3 boxes: 1- © Disney, © TM Lucasfilm LTD, Made in China, Fabrique En Chine, Hechio En China, 2- (to the left below the top box) the Official Pin Trading logo, 3- (to the right below the top box) Star Wars Galaxy’ Edge. The FAC# is screenprinted at the bottom of the pin.