Front Description
Part of a ten pin boxed set from the 2021 Heroes vs Villains event. There were five pairs, and the Villains busts are pewter and the Heroes busts are Silver. This pin is Bob Parr as Mr. Incredible from the Pixar movie, The Incredibles.
Hades, Gaston, Scar, Syndrome, Jafar, Hercules, Beast, Simba, Mr Incredible, Aladdin
#146809, #159147, #159151, #159152, #159148, #146808, #159133, #159150, #159149, #159132
Back Description
Silver with mickey head imprints, 2021 pin trading logo, Heroes vs Villains logo, ©DISNEY MADE IN CHINA LIMITED EDITION OF 300 FAC - 2 posts, no nubs