Front Description
This Cast Exclusive Eyes & Ears pin representing 1996-1998, it has a blue background circle. On top of the circle in black and white writing is Eyes and Ears with Sorcerer Mickey Mouse from Fantasia on top, The Genie from Aladdin, Goofy on the sides and Simba from Lion King on the bottom. This pin also has Lumiere from Beauty and the Beast. He is on the bottom right, in front of the A and R. He is a bit hard to see. Cast Members with a valid company ID can purchase up to 2 pins.
This is ninth in the Eyes and Ears series. Available exclusively to Cast Members in the Company D stores.
recently found one of these with the masthead bar mounted upside down (not printed upside down...the whole bar is bolted to the circular bottom part wrong-side-up). Not sure how prevalent this error was.
Back Description