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PP159898    PALM - Abu and Flying Carpet - Aladdin - Sidekicks - Stained Glass

Front Description

This pin features Abu and Carpet from the movie, Aladdin. Abu is brown and dark cream color with a maroon vest and maroon and blue hat. Carpet is blue, light blue, purple, brown and dark yellow. The background is green and bright pink stained glass with gold and yellow borders. At the top and bottom are rectangles of green and purple stained glass.




Meeko/Flit #159895, Louis/Ray #159896, Gus/Jac #159897, Abu/Carpet #159898, Flounder/Sebastian #159899, Pua/Hei Hei #159900, Pascal #159901, Mushu #159902

Back Description

The back is gold sand blasted metal with recycle icons on some of the top, text "Limited Edition 300 ©Disney Made In China" and FAC #

Linked Pins

  1. PALM - Meeko and Flit - Pocahontas - Sidekicks - Stained Glass
  2. PALM - Louis and Ray - Princess and the Frog - Sidekicks - Stained Glass
  3. PALM - Gus and Jac - Cinderella - Sidekicks - Stained Glass
  4. PALM - Flounder and Sebastian - Little Mermaid - Sidekicks - Stained Glass
  5. PALM - Pua and Hei Hei - Moana - Sidekicks - Stained Glass
  6. PALM - Pascal - Tangled - Sidekicks - Stained Glass
  7. PALM - Mushu - Mulan - Sidekicks - Stained Glass
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