Front Description
This pin depicts Chewbacca carrying C-3PO on his back while Princess Leia is at his side. Chewbacca has his bowcaster and is holding his left fist in the air. The Princess is carrying a blaster in her right hand. You can also see C-3PO's leg sticking straight up between his and Chewy's head. The scene depicted is from The Empire Strikes Back when Han Solo is captured by Boba Fett and frozen in carbonite. This scene shows the Millennium Falcon taking off with a frozen Han on board. The Falcon is a slider to the upper right of the pin to show it departing from Bespin. The characters on the pin are animated.
Series: Jawas/R2 #159964, Luke Speeder #159963, C3PO/Ewoks #161747, Luke/Leia, Leia/Chewie #160058
Back Description
The back of the pin is silver and has the classic Mickey head waffle pattern with 2 posts, no nubs, and stamped:
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©Disney, ©&™ Lucasfilm Ltd., Made in China, Fabriqué en Chine, Hecho en China, Dibuat di Tiongkok
FAC - 000122-21350