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PP161266    BoxLunch - Valentino and Star - Portrait - Goat - Wish

Front Description

One of four WISH PORTRAIT pins released at BoxLunch in November 2023, this pin features Valentino sitting, with his eyes cast upward, and watching Star circle around him. Valentino is brown with pink ears and a lighter brown nose. He is wearing a mustard colored one piece outfit with a pale yellow collar which is decorated. Star is flying around him with a smile on his face and a glittering streak behind him.


#161266, #166641, #161513, #163573

Back Description

Gold sandblasted pebble finish with recycling-logo waffle pattern on the top half. Single pin post with two nubs. Disney logo, ©Disney, cubic chip, Made in China, FAC.

3 Linked Pins

  1. BoxLunch - Star - Portrait - Wish
  2. BoxLunch - Valentino - Portrait - Goat - Wish
  3. BoxLunch - Asha - Standing with Star - Portrait - Wish
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