Front Description
This is rectangular pin in the style of a US auto license plate. The top third of the pin is a medium brown and has two boxes in each corner (004) on the left, (2022) on the right and TUSCAN VILLAGE in the middle...all in white lettering. The bottom portion of the pin is a lighter shade of tan and has PNC 940 (in black) with an image of Pinocchio's head in the middle (dark brown). Four small white "screw" holes are on the top and bottom of the pin (two on top/two on the bottom). The 2022 Hong Kong Pin Carnival was to be held May 21-27, 2022; but was cancelled due to the Covid-19 pandemic. There are a total of 8 pins in this lincense plate series, each in the same style as this pin. All have two different colors and each has a different character image in the middle of the plate, different and unique licsense plate 'numbers' and a image of a character in the middle of the plate. All pins are 1 3/8"W x 3/4" H.
Set: Pinocchio (Tuscan Village) 161267#, Hamm (Toy Story Land) #, Lightning McQueen (Cars Land) #, Woody (Toy Story Land) #, Stitch (Aloha State) #, Bo Peep (Toy Story Land) #, Simba (Africa) #, Cheshire Cat (Wonderland) #.
Back Description
Black Mickey head waffle pattern. 1 post (center towards the top). No barbs, 2 nubs. 6 stamp boxes (all metal wording): Official Pin Trading logo 2022, ©DISNEY, Disneyland HONG KONG, PIN TRADING CARNIVAL, 2 OF 8, FAC-078155-22012.