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PP161455    Georgette - Dogs - Mystery - Oliver and Company

Front Description

This is part of a eight-pin mystery DISNEY DOGS mystery box collection featuring cute-style art of eight classic Disney pups. Each box contains two random pins.


This pin features Georgette from the movie, Oliver & Co. She's light gray with purple fur on her front paws, tail, ears, head and around her neck. She's wearing a pink bow.


Dogs in this set include Nana, Georgette, Lady, Dodger, Little Brother, Pluto, Pongo, and Copper.


#161454, #161455, #161456. #161457, #163555, #164174, 164176, #164192

Back Description

Silver Mickey-head waffle pattern. Single pin post. Authentic Pins 2024 logo, Cubic Mickey, ©DISNEY, MADE IN CHINA, FABRIQUE EN CHINE, HECHO EN CHINA, DIBUAT DI TIONGKKOK. FAC.

7 Linked Pins

  1. Nana - Dogs - Mystery - Peter Pan
  2. Lady - Dogs - Mystery - Lady and the Tramp
  3. Dodger - Dogs - Mystery - Oliver and Company
  4. Little Brother - Dogs - Mystery - Mulan
  5. Pongo - Dogs - Mystery - 101 Dalmatians
  6. Copper - Dogs - Mystery - Fox and the Hound
  7. Pluto - Dogs - Mystery
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