Front Description
12 pin mystery box set (plus one that came with the matching map). Each pin depicts a Star Wars character or character type on Tatooine, surrounded by a copper metal border with a point and the character name in block letters. Pins are 1-2"W x 1-2"H. Shop Disney SKU: 4Q2246505370549265
Collection & Completed Map #161543, Fennec #156799, Jawas & R5 #156800, Young Annakin #157437, Obi-Wan #157464, Mando & Grogu #157463, Jabba #161198, Greedo #161206, Sandtrooper #161207, C-3PO #161437, Tusken Raiders #161438, Pit Droids #157465, Darth Maul #161440, Map Luke #157460
Back Description
The copper metal has a mickey waffle pattern. Each pin has the pin trading logo and a box that reads "Limited Release Edition Limited". There is a box that has the Star Wars logo. Another box has the Disney copyright, Lucasfilm Ltd. copyright, Made in China, Fabrique en China, Hencho en China, Dibuat di Tiongkok. The FAC number is in a separate box. There are two pin posts, no nubs on each pin.