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PP161556    Lorcana - Mickey - Brave Little Tailor - Promotional Convention

Front Description

This pin was released as a promotional item given away at conventions to celebrate the release of Lorcana, the Disney Trading Card Game produced by Ravensburger.

It depicts Mickey as the Brave Little Tailor holding a giant pair of scissors and holding up a fist. At the bottom against a red banner is the Disney Lorcana logo. This pin was released at Gencon 2023 on a backing card that is stylized as a Lorcana card - this reads as follows: Mickey Mouse, Brave Little Tailor Enamel Pin, Dreamborn Hero, Your adventure begins Fall 2023, disneylorcana.com. The same pin was apparently release at D23 Expo without a backing card.

Back Description

Two pin posts, ©Disney, TRADING CARD GAME by Ravensburger

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