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PP161847    DEC - Lady Tremaine - Cinderella - Villain Wreath - Halloween

Front Description

This pin features Lady Tremaine from the movie, Cinderella. Her hair is gray and light gray. She's wearing a light purple and purplish red dress with a bright teal and dark yellow pendant. She's holding a black walking stick. The wreath is dark blue, bright blue and purple with spools of thread, dark yellow keys, clocks and brown leaves. The background is shimmering bright blue with silhouettes of Ananstasia and Drizella.


Series: Scar #152299, Gaston #152300, Ursula #152301, Evil Queen #152302, Dr Facilier #152303, Hades #152304, Maleficent #152305, Pete #152913, Jafar #153410, Cruella #153411, Lady Tremaine #161847, Mother Gothel #161848

Back Description

The back is gold sandblasted metal, Mickey Employee Center logo, text "Limited Edition 400 ©Disney Made In China" and FAC - 2 posts, no nubs

11 Linked Pins

  1. DEC - Scar - Lion King - Villains Wrreath - Halloween
  2. DEC - Gaston - Beauty and the Beast - Villains Wreath - Halloween
  3. DEC - Ursula - Little Mermaid - Villains Wreath - Halloween
  4. DEC - Evil Queen - Snow White - Villains Wreath - Halloween
  5. DEC - Dr Facilier - Princess and the Frog - Villains Wreath - Halloween
  6. DEC - Hades - Hercules - Villains Wreath - Halloween
  7. DEC - Maleficent - Sleeping Beauty - Villains Wreath - Halloween
  8. DEC - Peg Leg Pete - Villains Wreath - Halloween
  9. DEC - Jafar - Aladdin - Villains Wreath - Halloween
  10. DEC - Cruella De Vil - 101 Dalmatians - Villains Wreath - Halloween
  11. DEC - Mother Gothel - Tangled - Villain Wreath - Halloween
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