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PP162342    Aulani - Stitch Wearing a Lei - Tropical Leaves - Hawaii

Front Description

Stitch's face is the front pin, his mouth open in a grin showing his teeth and wearing a white flower lei. He is sticking his face out of foliage which is made of light green leaves that have dark stripes and darker green fern leaves. Aulani, a Disney Resort & Spa, Ko Olina, Hawaii, is at the bottom. The font is black with a blue background. Stitch is a pin-on-pin element.

Back Description

Silver Mickey-head waffle pattern. Two pin posts and no nubs. 2024 Pin Trading logo, Aulani Resort logo, cubic Mickey, ©DISNEY, MADE IN CHINA, FABRIQUE EN CHINE, HECHO EN CHINA, DIBUAT DI TIONGKOK, FAC.

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