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PP162535    Mad Hatter and March Hare - Tea Time - Alice in Wonderland

Front Description

Mad Hatter is wearing a dark orangish yellow jack with teal bow tie, teal vest, mint green pants, and a mint green and teal hat. His hat has fallen down over his face and he has one foot up on the table. March Hare has orangish yellow hair and is wearing a red coat and bow tie with a dark red vest. He's holding a yellow cup with brown tea in it. The table is round and red with colorful tea pots and cups on it. The background is a large pink leaf with teal swirls and a large teal leaf with pink swirls.

Back Description

Back is silver with mickey head imprints, 2024 pin trading logo, jeweled mickey head, ©DISNEY MADE IN CHINA FABRIQUE EN CHINE HECHO EN CHINA DIBUAT DI TIONGKOK, orange printed FAC - 1 posts, 1 nubs

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