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PP162699    SDR - Duffy and Friends Lanyard Starter Set

Front Description

This Starter Set, released at Shanghai Disney Resort, included six square pins on a white Duffy and Friends lanyard with a hanging card. Faces include Duffy, ShellieMay, Gelatoni, StellaLou, CookieAnn, and Olu Mel.


Set: CookieAnn# 162705, Olu Mel #162704, StellaLou #162703, Gelatoni #162702, ShellieMay #162701, Duffy #162700, Starter Set #162699

Back Description


6 Linked Pins

  1. SDR - Duffy Bear - Duffy and Friends Starter - Yellow Striped Square
  2. SDR - ShellieMay - Duffy and Friends Starter - Pink Bear on Pink Square
  3. SDR - Gelatoni - Duffy and Friends Starter - Green Cat on Light Green Square
  4. SDR - StellaLou - Duffy and Friends Starter - Purple Rabbit on Light-Purple Starred Background
  5. SDR - Olu Mel - Duffy and Friends Starter - Green Turtle on Aqua Background
  6. SDR - CookieAnn - Duffy and Friends Starter - Yellow Puppy Dog in Baker's Hat - Yellow Square
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