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PP162701    SDR - ShellieMay - Duffy and Friends Starter - Pink Bear on Pink Square

Front Description

One of six square pins from a Shanghai Disney Starter Set. This pin features the head and paws of ShellieMay, the dancing pink bear of "Duffy and Friends" fame. Her paws are up, next to her smiling face, and she's posed on a pink background.


Set: CookieAnn# 162705, Olu Mel #162704, StellaLou #162703, Gelatoni #162702, ShellieMay #162701, Duffy #162700, Starter Set #162699

Back Description

Single pin post.

6 Linked Pins

  1. SDR - Duffy and Friends Lanyard Starter Set
  2. SDR - Duffy Bear - Duffy and Friends Starter - Yellow Striped Square
  3. SDR - Gelatoni - Duffy and Friends Starter - Green Cat on Light Green Square
  4. SDR - StellaLou - Duffy and Friends Starter - Purple Rabbit on Light-Purple Starred Background
  5. SDR - Olu Mel - Duffy and Friends Starter - Green Turtle on Aqua Background
  6. SDR - CookieAnn - Duffy and Friends Starter - Yellow Puppy Dog in Baker's Hat - Yellow Square
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