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PP162937    DLP - Chip and Dale - Disneyland PARIS - Eiffel Tower

Front Description

This pin shows blocking letters forming the word PARIS, with the A being a turquoise Eiffel Tower. The letters are white with colored shadow (P/I yellow, R orange, S blue). To the right of the Eiffel and above the block letters is a drawing of Sleeping Beauty Castle with Disneyland® written next to it, silver text on a white background. Chip stands at the left on top of the letter P. With his right hand he holds his friend Dale who climbs the P sideways. Dale has his right arm spread out, his nose is orange. Both chipmunks laugh with their mouths open and their pelts are the same shade of brown. Pin dimensions approximately: W 8cm x H 3.5cm.

Back Description

Silver back with Mickey head waffle pattern and double posts. Disneyland® Paris logo, Authentic Official Pin trading logo 2024, ©Disney Made in China.

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