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PP163074    SDR - Gelatoni, ShellieMay, StellaLou - Garden Time Set 2 - Duffy and Friends - Cat, Pink Bear, Purple Bunny Rabbit

Front Description

One of two three-pin GARDEN TIME sets released at Shanghai Disney in March 2021. The six Duffy and Friends characters were divided into two sets, each set containing three pins with a different character enjoying the work and/or bounty of gardening. At the same time and as part of the "Garden Time" series, Shanghai released two separate dangle pins.


The characters in Set 1 include CookieAnn, Duffy and Olu Mel. Set 2 features Gelatoni, ShellieMay and StellaLou.


CookieAnn #154982, Duffy #154981, Olu Mel #154980, Gelatoni # , ShellieMay # , StellaLou # , Dangle #155524, Set 2 #

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7 Linked Pins

  1. SDR - Olu Mel - Garden Time Set 1 - Green Turtle - Flower Pot with Red Roses - Duffy and Friends
  2. SDR - Duffy - Garden Time Set 1 - Brown Bear with Blue Flower Pot - Duffy and Friends
  3. SDR - CookieAnn - Garden Time Set 1 - Yellow Puppy Dog with Red Tea Cup - Duffy and Friends
  4. SDR - Duffy and ShellieMay - Garden Time - Dangle - Duffy and Friends - Two Bears Watering Plants Behind Fence
  5. SDR - StellaLou - Garden Time Set 2 - Purple Bunny Rabbit in Tea Cup with Red Handle - Duffy and Friends
  6. SDR - ShellieMay - Garden Time Set 2 - Pink Bear Behind Orange Flower Pot - Duffy and Friends
  7. SDR - Gelatoni - Garden Time Set 2 - Green Cat with Yellow Watering Can - Duffy and Friends
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