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PP163091    Dug - Golden Retriever - Dog - Tennis Ball - Balloons - Up - Pixar - Mystery

Front Description

One of eight pins in the Pixar UP Balloons Mystery Box set released in March 2024. Each pin features a different character from the Disney Pixar animated movie, UP, surrounded by a border of brightly colored balloons. The character busts appear to be poking through a balloon frame. The backgrounds are only slightly visible. Each box contained two random pins. The first release was sold out everywhere in a few hours.


This pin features a smiling Dug, the yellow dog, holding his tennis-ball toy in his mouth. Dug's facing to his right and wears his "speaking" collar.


#163435, #163096, #163094, #163093, #163092, #163091, #163090, #163089, #163088

Back Description

Silver Mickey-head waffle pattern, two pin posts, Authentic Disney Pins 2024 logo, cubic Mickey head, ©DISNEY, ©DISNEY/PIXAR, MADE IN CHINA, FAC.

8 Linked Pins

  1. Alpha - Doberman Pinscher - Dog - Balloons - Up - Pixar - Mystery
  2. Old Carl - Balloons - Up - Pixar - Mystery
  3. Young Carl - Aviator Goggles - Balloons - Up - Pixar - Mystery
  4. Old Ellie - Safari - Balloons - Mystery Box - Pixar UP
  5. Young Ellie - Balloons - Up - Pixar - Mystery
  6. Russell - Wilderness Explorer - Balloons - Up - Pixar - Mystery
  7. Kevin - Balloons - Up - Pixar - Mystery
  8. Up - Balloons - Pixar - Mystery - Set
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