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PP16310    Disney Catalog - Treasure Planet Boxed Pin Set

Front Description

This seven pin boxed set released through the Disney Catalog or Disneystore.com represents characters from the soon to be released Treasure Planet. Characters include: Captain Amelia, Jim Hawkins, Morph, the Jolly Roger Pirate Flag, B.E.N., Long John Silver and Doppler.


Comes in a nice cardboard display box. The closure is a black vinyl band that is grommeted to the box and goes all the way around the outside. Velcro tab with "Disney's Treasure Planet" emblem that is like a pin in itself. Not a prong pin back, but securely (and flat) fastened to the vinyl strap. Made to look like a leather travel journal or pouch.


Individual pins included are: #19319, #19320, #19321, #19322, #19323, #19324, #19325.


Back Description


7 Linked Pins

  1. Disney Catalog - Treasure Planet Boxed Pin Set (Captain Amelia)
  2. DC - Jim Hawkings - Treasure Planet - Boxed Set
  3. Disney Catalog - Treasure Planet Boxed Pin Set (B.E.N.)
  4. Disney Catalog - Treasure Planet Boxed Pin Set (Doppler)
  5. Disney Catalog - Treasure Planet Boxed Pin Set (Long John Silver)
  6. Disney Catalog - Treasure Planet Boxed Pin Set (Morph)
  7. Disney Catalog - Treasure Planet Boxed Pin Set (Jolly Roger Pirate Flag)
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