Front Description
From a ten-pin Nightmare Before Christmas Mystery Set. Pins feature rare supporting characters from the 1993 cult classic. Each blind box contains two randomly selected pins from a possibility of 10 different designs.
This pin features the Clown riding a unicycle. He is very rotund and is wearing overalls that are yellow with red spots and a yellow and black striped shirt and beanie hat.
Characters in this set are Easter Bunny, Bat Boy, Cyclops, Mr. Hyde, Undersea gal, Devil, Trash Can Monster, Mummy, Clown, Melting Man
#145776, #145130, #163276, #145188, #163292, #163293
Back Description
Silver Mickey-head waffle pattern. Single pin post with two nubs. Pin Trading Logo with the year 2020. FAC. “Tim Burtons The Nightmare Before Christmas”. ©Disney, Made in China.